Facebook Photo Tagging

Was reading Facebook and just couldn’t resist:

Tagging and The American Revolution

Tagging (n) ...12. to hit someone

UPDATE: So…I used the the wireless network in my office to transfer the image from my graphics PC to the terabyte USB 3.0 external harddrive on my business computer where I created an attachment in the cloud email that I sent to my iPhone (which tried to announce my location) where I copied the image and tweeted it to @mrmarkburgess which automatically distributed it to my Facebook page burgess1 (which tried to announce my location) that linked to this WordPress blog with the image where an automated back-linking robot charging someone for promoting their web property called Travel Results posted this comment: “Were required to post you that almost no remark to thanks a ton once again because of these spectacular techniques you’ve provided on this page.  It’s so” to which my automated spam checking system tagged it for the spam heap, but then someone commented on the Facebook posting which connected the link to a comment summary site (which tried to announce my location)  which then grouped the image using the keyword “revolution” with an NRA page that had a popup for a cigar rights group posting an ad opposing H.R. 1639 / S.1461 to which I filled in my name and address which generated an automated letter to all of my senators and Congressman (and tried to announce my location) and then I got an automated message from Rep. Bilbray acknowledging the message and assuring me that whatever my concerns are about whatever issue I’m writing about my views will be taken seriously (no word from Boxer or Feinstein yet so Bilbray must be a cigar man) and last I noticed, my automated congressional response app on the personal computer was preparing a mass emailing through Mailchimp to launch the Preoccupy Occupy Wall Street movement…a day in the life…

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